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Friday, June 29, 2012

Just a closer walk with Thee

 Just a closer walk with Thee

I have come to realize that life is best lived walking very closely to Jesus. There is no security in anyone or anything else.
Just looking around me, I see So many signs pointing to His soon return. I believe, Really soon.
So what exactly determines if we go in the catching away?
I know a lot of people are saying a lot of different things, about Jesus coming for a bride without spot or wrinkle. So, they are putting a lot of emphasis on living perfectly sin free. I think it is definitely what we strive to do, live without sinning. But, we never could keep the law in the first place, that is why Jesus came.
He washes us with His blood and makes us white as snow.
On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

I do not believe, that you can trust in yourself to do everything right all the time, so that you will be found worthy to escape all these things. I think you either trust in your own righteousness, or you trust in His.
I really don't see how it can be both ways. Do you?
I know that when I walk each day being very conscious of all my failings, that I do not walk in joy or victory.
However, when I walk each day being very conscious of how much God loves me, I walk in peace, joy and victory.

I see dark days ahead. I don't know how dark it will be before our Savior returns...But I do know that we Are lights in this darkness. We must show people His light while we can.
And I do believe that as long as we are walking with Him daily now, that we will continue to walk with Him right into eternity, however that may happen. That should be enough for us, to know that He will walk with us where ever we go and what ever we do.

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