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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Working for the blessings of God???

Tonight I watched a minister on television whom I respect, teaching about being blessed by God.  What he said just did not ring true within my spirit. Something that I struggled with for a long time and still do at times is attempting to earn God's approval and blessings. This minister was pretty much saying that when we live holy lives and do what the bible says then we will open up the windows of heavens for God's blessing to pour out on our lives.
Now, I do agree that living holy will accomplish this; being obedient will accomplish this. HOWEVER.... I don't know about you, but I do not have the ability to just say okay, I am going to live holy, always respect my spouse, always walk in love, never say things in anger, always make the right decisions, never fulfill the lust of the flesh and then just do it... Oh I have tried to do that.. But it never lasts long. Then I am frustrated and crying to God, and being afraid I am screwing things up and on and on ad nauseum. Can anyone relate?

So what is the answer? Well, what the Holy Spirit has been teaching me ever so sweetly, is that having an intimate relationship with God IS what will accomplish ALL of this for me. That sounds easier doesn't it? But is that what the Word says? Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30; "Come unto me, all of you who labor and are forced to bear burdens, and I shall give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am peaceful and meek in my heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is pleasant and my burden is light.” In this passage Jesus tells us to take His yoke and LEARN from Him. What was Jesus' yoke?
“For I came down from Heaven, not to do my will, but to do the will of him who has sent me.”John 6:38.
Jesus yoke was to do the will of the Father. Sooo, What is God's will? How do we know what God's will is for us in our life?
Well, lets think about how Jesus learned God's will. I think that he learned the same way any of us learn the will of another person. We talk to them, spend time with that person and get to know them. Jesus spent whole nights in prayer with God. I used to picture this as him struggling and pleading with God. But now I know differently. Jesus just spent time in God's presence. He learned to hear God with his spiritual ears and communicated with Him. He was empowered and refreshed by spending time with his Father. By spending time with God he learned to constantly be aware of God's presence and hear from Him. I know this because Jesus said, "I can guarantee this truth: The Son cannot do anything on his own. He can do only what he sees the Father doing. Indeed, the Son does exactly what the Father does." John 5:19... JESUS said that He could not do Anything on his own!!  So what makes us think we can???

We can't. We can not do anything of eternal significance on our own. However, we Can do all things through Christ who strenghtens us!! The way we are strengthened by Christ is by spending time with Him.
I have seen in my own life that when I take time regularly to just sit down alone, focus on God, speak to Him, praise Him, listen to Him.. That His presence comes to me. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.
In His presence is the fullness of Joy. His presence is so sweet and rich and welcoming. His presence is the most precious thing on earth. After I have spent time with Him, I feel like being loving to others. I am calm and peaceful. I feel loved and cherished. I have no worries and cares because I Know that He cares for me.
Things that would usually bother me or tempt me no longer have power over me. I become empowered to do His will, which is to walk in love.
There is a catch though. This is an ongoing process. I have to do this regulary. The more often the better. I believe this is our yoke. And it IS pleasant and easy. Our Father is love; and love never fails. Love is powerful. When you walk out love in your life, your actions become powerful and produce the fruit of the Spirit of God. You are automatically blessed and not stressed!! All we have to do is spend time with God. Jesus said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." How do we love him? We spend time with him and He empowers us to keep His commandments!!!

I welcome any comments or thoughts on this subject..

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