I have decided that when I grow up, I want to be Ron Paul or possibly Jay Sekulow... These guys are awesome.
These are men that I can respect. I don't know about ya'll but I have a burning desire to see Truth prevail. I have also decided that it IS better to shine a light rather than curse the darkness. Has anyone read any of Chuck Norris' recent articles or posts? He is also awesome. I admire anyone who is not afraid to speak the truth and damn the consequences. Don't you? We might as well. I was raised to believe I live in a free country.
Obviously you can't always depend on the status quo being maintained. Especially when greedy, evil, self-serving psychopaths have gained way too much power over the establishment.
It really is sad to see my beloved America falling to the hands of corporate thugs who buy their way into our laws and courts. It really isn't about the 99% against the 1%. It is also not about black or white or yellow or brown. That is just another way to pit us against each other. It is basically evil vs. good. Virtue vs. Vice.
Vice is a habitual, repeated practice of wrongdoing.
So the question unfortunately has become in this amazingly dark day and age, what can be defined as wrong doing?? There are so many basic things people seem to need clarification for when it comes to deciding what is right or wrong. Also, some people don't really care. Too bad the people who don't care are pulling most of the strings of our government and society at large. There are a few lone hold outs who are screaming their heads off and doing everything they can to fight the machine and the descent into chaos. But not nearly enough.
So what to do? I am the kind of person who has to say something, has to do something. I can't really keep my mouth shut. So I am shining a light.
I say that we don't deserve to be called Americans unless we stand up for our freedom. Talk about bullying being a problem in our schools and among the youth. Geez are you kidding? I wonder why.
Intimidation and bullying are common practice in the US of A nowadays isn't it? You know the new golden rule right. He who has the gold makes the rules... I really liked, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It is not so popular anymore, seems to be a little too much effort for folks.
That is the adversaries power base you know; greed, lust and self-centeredness, oh and don't forget fear. Fortunately I have a secret weapon. I know that, "Anything which comes from God is able to overcome the world; and the power by which we have overcome the world is our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:4-5 So, because of the fact that I have been given the responsibility of being salt and light. I must exercise my faith and not be afraid to speak the truth and shout it from the rooftops. (or from my blog, facebook and anyone I can get to listen). I am also financially supporting people whom I know are actively fighting for our freedoms here in our own country, in our own courtrooms. How much is your freedom worth to you? Are you going to cower in fear? I love to listen to Bob Marley. He put it well when he said: Get up stand up, stand up for your right, Get up stand up, don't give up the fight..
Does the phrase "Give me liberty or give me death" resonate with your spirit at all? It does mine. I refuse to live without freedom. That is not life.
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